Database of Resolutions

The March and Rally for Peace and Disarmament, an anti-nuclear protest in New York City, 12th June 1982. Here members of the Japanese Religious Delegation march along 42nd Street with a banner reading ‘Set the date. Non-nuke, non-arms! Choose life! Shouldn’t kill nor make others kill. (Photo by Barbara Alper/Getty Images)

Over 80 cities have passed resolutions supporting the advancement of nuclear disarmament and nuclear justice. Many of these resolutions are the result of the Back from the Brink campaign, a national campaign calling on the U.S. federal government to take concrete policy steps toward multilateral, verifiable nuclear disarmament and the eventual global elimination of nuclear weapons. But there are other, more localized resolutions passed independently of national ones. They can be found in the archive compiled here. It is still under development, so please contact our team if you know of other resolutions and other notable examples of local government action on nuclear weapons.